Find a Plan Right for You

Select from best plans, ensuring a perfect match for your business!

Great for Anyone
With Basic REC Management needs
+ Processing Fees
FREE I-REC Custodial Account
(Direct Ownership)
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Deposit & Withdraw Assets
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Transfer & Redeem Assets
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Cash Wallet Management
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Great for Small Medium Enterprise
with Basic Net-Zero Goals
$1,200USD / year
+ Processing Fees
AI-Powered Data Upload
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Scope 1,2 & 3 Emission Tracking
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AI-Driven Sustainability Plans Tailored for SMEs
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Fast-Track Goal with Cost-Optimized Smart Planning
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Great for Large Corporate
with Advanced Net-Zero Goals and Compliance
$10,000USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Advanced Scalability for Large Dataset
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Emission tracking aligned with international standards
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AI-driven plans tailored to meet CBAM regulations and reporting requirements
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Strategic tools to handle complex supply chain emissions and cross-border carbon footprint management
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Great for Anyone
With Basic REC Management needs
+ Processing Fees
FREE I-REC Custodial Account
(Direct Ownership)
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
Deposit & Withdraw Assets
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
Transfer & Redeem Assets
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
Cash Wallet Management
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
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Great for Small Asset Owners
To Streamline Operations
Up to 8 Devices, capped at 2 MWp
$300USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Automated I-REC Device Registration
REC Issuance
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Corporate Account Management
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Great for Small Asset Owners
To Streamline Operations
Up to 20 Devices, capped at 5 MWp
$800USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Multi Device Management
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Great for Medium Asset Owners
To Streamline Operations
Up to 120 Devices, capped at 30 MWp

$1,500USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Data, Report & Analytics
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Great for Large Asset Owners
To Streamline and Scale Operations
Up to 200 Devices, capped at 200 MWp
Starting from
$7,000USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Strategic Consulting
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API Integration Connectivity
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Dedicated Technical Support
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Great for Anyone
With Basic REC Management needs
+ Processing Fees
FREE I-REC Custodial Account
(Direct Ownership)
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Deposit & Withdraw Assets
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
Transfer & Redeem Assets
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
Cash Wallet Management
This is a  tooltip you can add to each feature. Cool, uh?  Edit the text in the symbol properties
Sign Up For Free
Great for Small & Medium Enterprises
with Basic Net-Zero Goals
$500USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Zero Transaction Fee
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Listing  up to 1,000 RECs or Carbon Credits
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Great for Business
with Large Sustainability Targets
$1,000USD / year
+ Processing Fees
Zero Transaction Fee
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Unlimited Asset Listing
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Empowering Businesses to Bridge Markets, Streamline Operations, and Achieve Sustainability Through AI

OperaX’s AI Agent Service delivers cutting-edge, AI-driven solutions tailored to emerging value chains. By connecting ASEAN and international markets, our services optimize procurement, enhance decision-making, and accelerate sustainability initiatives. From strategic consulting to advanced procurement services, we provide the tools and insights needed to navigate complex market dynamics and drive long-term success.

Strategic Consulting Service

Solar Installation Procurement Service

REC & Carbon Credit Procurement Service

EV Solution Procurement Service

AI Data Centre Procurement Service